Magical Gate: an input-receptive Gate device for Ableton 9 + Max For Live

Magical Gate

— A gate with soul.

Magical Gate

“Magical Gate” is a gate effect with a magical touch — it moves according to the input signal. It doesn’t cut off sounds as linearly as a normal gate.

It’s organic. Kinda like it’s alive or something. It is more reactive and sensitive to the host material. It’s less cold and digital and robotic and linear than most gates.
…You could say it has a soul. Continue reading

Vocoverb: Reverb using Live 9’s “Vocoder” Effect.


— Cavernous Digital Sand.

Vocoverb Icon by Bird McElroy

Did you know you could make a reverb-type effect with ableton’s “vocoder” effect?

Vocoverb is a reverb effect that is made using 2 instances of ableton’s vocoder effect, providing a very unique reverb to add to your production palette.

Download the FREE Vocoverb Effect Rack for Ableton 9 -> CLICK HERE

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