New Brian Funk Pack: ADM CHIP

In case you haven’t heard the news, Brian Funk is no longer going by the name AfroDJMac. You can hear his thoughts on the evolution to this “new” identity at his podcast episode here.

I recall, when i appeared on his podcast for episode 13, joking briefly about the awkwardness of monikers. So from my perspective, this shift has been a long time coming and is totally sensible. HOWEVER…. at the time it happened we were smack dab in the middle of the process of releasing a series of ADM packs, epic agglomerations of his instruments, collected into organized, self-installing, themed ableton live packs, ideal for satiating completionists who desire to access to the catalog of devices in the easiest manner possible.

“ADM”, of course, stands for AfroDJMac. So what to do? It seemed a bit odd to continue to release products through Isotonik Studios as the now defunct vendor name when he was no longer going to go by that title. So, what we’ve done is kept the name for the packs as ADM— which is appropriate, as they were crafted by AfroDJMac, during the ADM era. But the developer name has been upgraded to Brian Funk, and we collectively decided to pitch the series as “the last hurrah of the AfroDJMac era”, aka “a tying up of loose strings to move on to fresh new things, shedding the baggage of the past.” Or something along those lines.

Brian is not ceasing in his audio production and Ableton Live pack releases; if anything, he’s ramped them up. But now, he is no longer held back by the stigmas and limitations of the expectations wrought by being bound to an artist name that evokes a particular sensibility. In case you haven’t noticed, he’s also been knocking out super dope music production podcast episodes at a prodigious rate.

The ADM series of packs is ridiculously exhaustive, including EVERY SINGLE instrument released by Brian spanning from the very start of his release history up until a given point in time (other than those included in collaborative packs he’s done with other developers, and some freebies). I know this because i’m the one who did the curation, assembling, organizing, verifying, and gain-staging the instruments for absolute accessibility and consistency. Even if you already own most of the packs that have been released by him directly, supplementing your arsenal with the Isotonik Studios ADM packs adds massive value by providing access to the instruments directly from the SOUNDS folder of your Ableton Live browser, no file management whatsoever to worry about on your part.

The complete series will include ten packs total. The latest has just dropped: ADM CHIP.

Do you love 8-bit, retro videogame style sounds? Do you want to craft your own retro video game music, or layer those sorts of sounds into modern production? Then this is THE pack for you.

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